Management & Co-founders

Paul Gow
Thomas Schmidt


Targeting under-explored iron oxide-copper-gold belt

Delineating maiden Inferred resource at La Higuera IOCG Project

Pursuing district and belt-wide consolidation 

La Higuera IOCG Project (100% owned)

- Chile: 500 km north of Santiago
- Coquimbo: 40 km from La Serena
- Low altitude: 450-1,000 m.a.s.l.
Ownership & Royalties
- 99.7% with option to go to 100%
- 1% NSR Royalties over parts of project area
Results (selected)
268 metres at Gaby with:
- 0.66% copper
- 0.14g/t gold
- 330 ppm cobalt
(from 52 metre depth)

82 metres at Chirsposo with:
- 0.38% copper 
- 540ppm cobalt 
(from 64m to end of hole)
Post discovery /  "Pre resource"
4,174 hectares of concessions
Past Work
- 13,300m of historical drilling, 
- Magnetic and IP surveying
- Metallurgical test work (G&T/M3)
- 10 km from the coast
- 70 km by road to Coquimbo port 
- Transmission line & roads nearby
- Exploration upside under gravels
- Consolidation potential 
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Our team – management & CO-FOUNDERS

Former Xstrata executives Paul Gow and Thomas Schmidt, are combining their geological/technical and M&A skillsets to assemble and grow a quality property portfolio. As owners of a meaningful stake in the company, management is fully aligned with shareholders.
Paul Gow
Geologist (PhD)
Leading global IOCG explorer
Discovered Pedra Branca mine
(BHP; in production)
Formerly with Xstrata
Thomas Schmidt
Finance and M&A professional
12 years working in Chile
Fluent Spanish speaker
Formerly with Xstrata and J.P. Morgan
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Video update on 2 drill targets:
🦣Large chargeability anomaly (1.2km long) + southern magnetic anomaly are focus of maiden program
🎯 Most eleveated Cu in soil sits right over the two geophysical anomalies
🪙 Presence of anomalous Au (up to 0.127 g/t) consistent with IOCG system

We are up and running! Two targets will be tested in this maiden drill campaign at our recently acquired Chiricuto Property. Located in the heart of the @CapstoneCopper dominated Mantoverde - Santo Domingo IOCG district. Stay tuned.


Tribeca Resources Corporation is a Chile focussed copper explorer developing and growing a portfolio of exploration projects in the Chilean IOCG Belt
Tribeca Resources Corporation
1305 - 1090 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 3V7 Canada
© Tribeca Resources Corporation 2025
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